
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Getting Very Sleeeeeepy

One of the things I feared about quitting drinking was making friends with insomnia. I had this idea that I would be up until 3AM, wandering around the house or angrily tossing and turning in bed.

It's been the complete opposite.

Last night, I started dozing off at 9:15. I grant you, it was a long day on my feet, but excuse me? This is my new norm. I rarely go to bed later than 10:00. While I was drinking, I stayed up until the bottle was empty. If I got home from a meeting late, I would start drinking late and go to bed late. If I got home early, it was always with mixed feelings, because it meant that I could start drinking early (yay!), but that I had to nurse the bottle (boo!) because there's a weird feeling that comes with finishing a bottle when it's still light outside. Before I tried to moderate, I would buy wine in bulk and open a second bottle if I finished the first, but for the last 2 years, I decided to buy a bottle at a time (I was being good, right?) to prevent myself from drinking more than 1 a night. I am so glad I don't have to play these ridiculous mind games with myself anymore.

Anyway, I ought to be happy about all this great sleep I am getting. I sleep through the night and quite soundly. I even have trouble prying myself out of bed at 6:30. But now I'm all worried. Is this normal? Is it my body somehow repairing itself and detoxing after 12 years of heavy drinking, or did I do something bad to myself and this is a symptom of something else? Oh, fear, you have such a lovely way of manifesting in every little thing.  

Day 17 ... and needing coffee.

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