I drink every day. Got to have my 3-4 glasses of wine. Sometimes, I am really pooped out and all I want to do is get home, but Booze Brain demands that I take a left into the parking lot of the liquor store. I feel like a robot being programmed. Swinging open the doors, taking in the intoxicating liquor store smell and marching over to my favorites. More on Liquor Stores later. That's a whole blog post unto itself. The point is, BB is a mighty force. Non-addicted people do not understand, and they never will because their brain chemistry doesn't work like mine. I've never done cocaine, heroin or any other horrible drug, but I certainly understand the power of addiction. You might watch a show about an addict who chooses junk over her children and think, How? Well, I know how. They've got Junk Brains.
When Human Brain says: Geez, what are the neighbors going to think about all of the wine bottles in the recycling bin?
Booze Brain responds: Throw some of them into the trash and hide a bunch of them at the bottom of the bin.
When Human Brain says: Maybe I won't drink tonight.
Booze Brain responds: Sure you will, silly! Start your quit tomorrow.
When Human Brain says: My health is going to fail.
Booze Brain responds: There are people who drink more and harder than you. What's the matter with a little red wine? It's got health benefits, you know. By European standards, you are quite normal, dear.
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