- No alcohol in the house. The only time it is okay to break this rule is if we are hosting a dinner party or a get-together of sorts. And no "lingering" alcohol will be allowed.
- Two drink maximum when dining out. No exceptions.
- Multiple drinks are only acceptable if I am at a social event, like a party, concert, or pub crawl (presumably with others who are consuming multiple drinks). I can assure you that this is a rare occurrence.
Here is a log of the drinks I have had since March 11th:
Dinner Out: 1
Dinner Out: 1
Dinner Out: 1
Dinner Out: 2
Dinner Out: 2
Dinner Out: 1
Dinner Out: 1
Dinner Out: 2
Dinner Out: 1
Concert: 2
Concert: 2
Dinner Out: 1
17 total in 23 days, which is .74 drinks per day. That is less than 1 drink per day, 5.5 drinks per week. I was drinking 3-4 glasses a day, resulting in 21-28 drinks per week. Wowzers.
On the days I do not drink, I don't really crave it. Coke Zero seems to do the trick and if I really want wine, I will buy the non-alcoholic kind. So, perhaps I am not an alcoholic, after all. I like these new rules and I enjoy having boundaries. With the attempts I have made in the past, I never actually enacted them. It's nice to know what's allowed and what isn't.